Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Status Report

Well, I don't really know why I'm writing right now at this very moment. I guess it's because I have about 40 minutes to kill before I go to bed, and I'm actually (HOLY SHIT!) sick of Halo 3 and my book. The fourth book in the Dark Tower series has lost some major steam, and it's going to take some tremendous will power to get to the back cover. I bought the fifth, sixth, and seventh books this weekend. Of course, like all epic stories in installments, each book just gets longer and longer. It's like a constant test for the faithful; only the true believers have the dedication to get to the final page. I feel like the labors ahead of me are as formidable as Roland's as we both approach the Dark Tower. Finding time to read all this shit is getting tougher. Anyways, the last two days have sucked. Monday was hot and muggy. You could fucking smell the malaria in the air. Seriously though, we have a mosquito problem here, which is really the only downside to having a beautiful river running through the heart of campus. I never thought I'd say this, especially being such a fall hater, but I wish it would get a little bit colder. I think my legs can make it the frost, so if it just gets a little colder, I should get about a month and half of mosquito-free, shorts weather. That's all I want in the world right now.

My logic test was this morning at 8:30, and for once, I really can't say how I did. I study incredibly hard, and I have to admit it, I'm a good student. PHL 130 never seemed too difficult. I breezed through the classes, assignments, practice quizzes, blah blah blah, but I might have slipped up on the test. Ever have a class where creativity is your worst enemy? If I ever have, it would be PHL 130. Just like a calc class, the class demands ONE correct answer. However, I think an argument can be interpreted a number of ways, unlike a calc. answer that usually, when explained, justifies its singularity. Logic seems to be horribly trapped, kind of stuck in the worst of both worlds: it's test questions ask for one answer, AND it hardly ever seems like one answer is possible. But this is just me, and, since I'm kind of an irrational person, this argument could really be thinly disguised disappointment and fear. I drank a damn energy drink for that exam. Last night, after following a super muggy, steamy day, turned out to be equally muggy and steamy, and sleeping was about as easy as building an igloo on the sun. My sheets are soaked, EVERYTHING I touched, rolled over, or kicked smells like BO. It's just gross. Added to the shitty conditions were the thoughts of my upcoming exam, which would normally be enough to cut a couple hours off my slumber by themself. So that's why I only got four hours.

I submitted "Our Rivers" yesterday. I really, really, really hope I get published in their periodical. The money I could care less about. I want, I NEED to say I did something this semester. I think that's why dropping that story off felt so good. I DID something. If chosen as a winner, there will be a record of this! Also, I'll get some street cred. PERFECT scenario: they like my story so much, they ask me to contribute again, and again, and again until someone who wants to give me money asks me to contribute, finally concluding in a jay-oe-bee. Is writing it? Don't know. Undecided. ALWAYS undecided, I guess, but I can say this for myself: I would NEVER turn down a job writing right now at this point in my life. I don't think I want to be middle-aged and still writing shit for the East Lansing Herald or whatever the hell they have here, yet that wouldn't be bad for right now.

As you can see, nothing deep or personal to bury in the Landfill tonight. I just wanted to keep the juices flowing (I don't count my last entry as a real entry). This was a great idea. I'm getting a lot better at thinking on the keyboard. I used to have to write everything-everything that required some thought, that is- in a notebook and than transcribe it into Microsoft Word.

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