Sunday, January 18, 2009


Week Two was a grind. I'm kind of comatose right now from all the Spanish. This post may or may not make sense.

Well, I fought it, and I fought it hard, but it's back. This disconnectedness, this black cloud that follows me. Things started getting overcast at about 11:00 PM, but I ignored it, showed some faith. But it's here, and it's a doozy, a downpour. This disconnectedness I feel, like there's no gravity, like I'm sliding off the world. And through it all, there's this sickening feeling, something akin to silent dread, disgusted shock at myself: if I woke up tomorrow with no one, in another country, I wouldn't care. I know it's just a feeling, and, therefore, something too fleeting to bring me to my knees, but it's getting close to crippling, and it's only been here for two days or so. Sometimes I feel like things just happen near me. The grades I get, the people I meet, the games I play, the things I say-they all just swirl around me, like an atmosphere of personality, one that could be dissipated by a cold front or a storm, a clean slate, a rejection of everything and everyone. They cling so tenuously.

I'd like to see all the big questions answered, especially "what are we supposed to live for?". Lately, people seem to be embracing an sort of eudaimonism, a "live for happiness. Live for yourself." I can't agree. I can't see the point of such a life, just like I can't see the point of having a point. My eyes are glazing here. Is this growing up? It feels like being mummified.

There are some pretty girls on this floor. I was trying to smile more, to take extra long to open my door in hopes of an impromptu run-in with one, and now I don't care to remember their names. Just. Like. That.

I have this friend. He's been here for two years. I've known him a long time. I see him quite a bunch. Last year, some girl really fucked him up. Dumped him for one of his friends he'd known since high school, and then came back to him, vacillating between the two at least three times. Before I came here, I told a mutual friend of ours that I'd help this guy "rejoin the world." Pretty words from an idiot with no sense of irony.

My roommate is a good guy. Guys are so leery of showing any kind of encouragement or praise for one another. I think it's because society has hunted the ego to extinction. One is embarrassed just to use the word "I". We're snorted at for talking about ourselves, praising ourselves, being excited for ourselves. Could it be traceable to the American Way- the competition, the pressure, the stress, the feelings of inadequacy? Maybe. Or maybe it's something more current, more concrete. Americans used to be renowned for their manliness, their swagger, their confidence, their long-striding, coon-cap wearing pioneers. Now, we're plagued by a sheepishness stemming from all the international animosity we've incurred. We're shaken. Our men wear girl pants now. David Bowie penned the writing on the wall. I'm sure the concurrent gender confusion is pertinent to this debate, as well. Gender is as much a choice for today's man as what type of car he wants to drive. Anyways, Joe seems to have that confidence that so many have lost. He'll tell guys to relax, to take a break, that they're working too hard, instead of hurling epithets or doubts regarding the guy's penis length. He doesn't strike when a flaw is betrayed. Take my other friend. He's been hounding me with texts lately to hang out. I've known him for awhile. He came over yesterday with some of his girl friends. Nervous and surprised, my tongue got wound in knot of Gordian proportions, and instead of bailing me out, switching the topic, defusing the awkwardness, my friend moves in for the kill, socially slaying me in front of the ladies. Maybe this is an analogue to the time-honoured cock fight. Now that assault is a fine, men fight over women with sharp tongues, not blades. Joe wouldn't do that. I like that.

"Just do, Alex. Don't think. Run in, guns a'blazing, and DO." I was doing that at first. It was working, even with everyone pegging me with questions of how I was liking my new school. "It's different," was all I said (lame answer, I know.). But I can't poke a hole in this cloud with insouciance, with living-in-the moment. It's only a strategy that works for those who have something to enjoy, who already have a clear mind. It's preventive, not restorative. It's an anti-fogger, not a window scraper.

Sartre talked about 'beings-in-themselves' and how humans naturally want to become one. An example of someone acting on that urge is a waiter who impersonates the ideal waiter. He bows like a waiter should, smiles like a waiter should, looks like a waiter should. He's no longer Joe Schmo, he's a waiter. These 'things-in-themselves' are like rocks. We long to be rocks. No needs, wants, motives, thoughts, just a pure ontological satisfaction. Maybe this is the horror that marshals the dark clouds. Maybe this is what I hate, why I can't tell counselors one career option. I don't want to be a 'being-in-itself'. Not a waiter, or a writer, or a lawyer, or a philosopher. I want to be a 'being-for-itself'. Haha, or maybe this is just a very eloquent excuse from a lazy asshole.

Keeping up with this Gloomsday Report, Sharks beat the Wings yesterday in a 6-5 victory. BUT, most of my favorite Wings picked up a point, which is always the consolation prize in a high-scoring defeat.

I can't talk about classes right now. I'll go into cardiac arrest.

Winter is like solitary confinement. Not only does it actually confine you to your room with the extreme temperatures, but it also denudes your senses. It's a room with white-padded walls. There's no smells, sights, tastes, feelings, or sounds. The cold and the snow mask, cover, dull, numb, and dampen each one respectively. My robust winter jacket is even starting to feel more like a straight jacket. My mind is rotting.

Browsing through my memories, I can't think of one person I'd like to be talking to right now. Ever get mad hunger, but you just don't know for what? Shit, I could extend this to just about anything.

I love people until I get to know them, like books- I won't read them twice. Once I know what some one's about, what makes them click, I move on. Could I be the most fucked up person on earth? Possibly. Other interpretations of this phenomenon: I get so fucking angry to see someone with a personality, a good grasp of who they are, a mission, opinions they believe wholeheartedly, and I get jealous. Yep.


Alex said...

That's fantastic :D

dragyonfly said...

Hey, first of all I really really like your "Alexander". Im not skilled at critique or even intelligent comments regarding writing, except to say I really think it is wonderful.
Second, I would like to say, that your feelings are very typical for a person who is searching for himself. You seem to be looking into others to find out who you are, and I don't even know you, but I find that you have a fantastic mind and way with words. Don't surrender to anything that you detest. If you aren't finding what you need in college, maybe you should travel for awhile. You are young and unattached. Why not?
I wish I would have travelled a little before I became mired in the mundane.
Just some food for thought. I am not nearly as poetic as you are. You have some real talent.

Alex said...

Thanks, a lot! I get little self-conscious about posting the poems sometimes, and that is fantastic advice. I considered taking a semester off and just drifting around. Maybe I'll do it this summer. Money is an issue, though. If I pawn off some xbox games, I might be able to fill up a tank.